Marina Provatidou
Visual artist, typographer, painter, video artist
My dream
To make your dream my dream.
To make my dream yours dream.
I bring an artistic perspective with eye detail
I am often creating projects, and challenging Gilde Plus
I am lucky to have met Gilde Plus, I am inspiring a lot .. and I hope to inspire them also.
How I can help you?
Review your current process
The composition of different ideas is the only source of culture. I m enthusiastic person to creative brigdes of culture and I know how to inspire, surprise people in many artistic ways ranging from concept to artistic practices.
Creating programs and groups
Training Workshops can be given with different projects with various concepts and combinations with materials.
Connected Multi- teams under cultural bridges Creating the proposals for European programs.
Cost Reduction
Always trying to find what is important. Make plans and continue to dreaming. But this is not easy to receive an idea, and make a real product out of it.
I always offer the best result. With over 20years experience on Art Production, teaching in a groups, I am eager to hear you.
The skills based on a strong coupling of research and intellectual education. Develop and implement a unique educational concept. The educational model is strongly focused on the integration and exploration/research between art, digital technology, traditional methods and engaged with society.
I explore and develop new knowledge between art, history and personal experiences. There essential relationship between cultural diversities and un exploring fields which learning with working as a professional come together.
On social art and sociological practice model which presenting a prototype result